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Re: Game of Life
Your car:
1. Blue Sedan
Your career
4. Writer
Your significant other's career
4. WriterWhere you live
4. Paris, France
Your House
6. House outside the cityHow many births
1) Twins: (I PROMISE I rolled individually! WEIRD!)
DS/DS: Zack/Cody
Hair color - 3. Dark Brown / 3. Dark Brown
Hair type - 6. Longer straight / 6. Longer straight
Eye color - 5. Brown / 5. Brown
Excels at - 4. Leadership / 4. Leadership2)DD: Carli
Hair color - 2. Light Brown
Hair type - 6. Medium straight
Eye color - 4. Blue
Excels at - 2. Sport
3)DS: Andrew
Hair color - 4. Red
Hair type - 2. Short wavy
Eye color - 2. Green
Excels at - 6. Trades4)DS: Jason
Hair color - 6. Dark Blonde
Hair type - 2. Short wavy
Eye color - 2. Green
Excels at - 2. Sport
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