Re: Loxandra’s CAF- Round 1 (everyone is welcome!)
in reply to a message by Loxandra
The Papalouka family
DH: Ajax Castor "AJ"
DW: Phoebe Rhea
-DS: Elias Leander
-DS: Nicodemus Apollo "Nico"
-DD: Alexandra Sophia "Alex"
The Serbetoglu family
DH: Evander Andreas "Evan"
DW: Chloe Melissa
-DS: Matthias Pluto "Matt"
-DS: Damon Zephyr
-DD/DS: Maia Zoe / Thomas Orion "Tom"
-DD: Iris Thalia
The Serntari family
DH: Silas Hector
DW: Daphne Cassiopeia
-DS: Jason Linus
-DD: Clio Danae
DH: Ajax Castor "AJ"
DW: Phoebe Rhea
-DS: Elias Leander
-DS: Nicodemus Apollo "Nico"
-DD: Alexandra Sophia "Alex"
The Serbetoglu family
DH: Evander Andreas "Evan"
DW: Chloe Melissa
-DS: Matthias Pluto "Matt"
-DS: Damon Zephyr
-DD/DS: Maia Zoe / Thomas Orion "Tom"
-DD: Iris Thalia
The Serntari family
DH: Silas Hector
DW: Daphne Cassiopeia
-DS: Jason Linus
-DD: Clio Danae