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Re: Adoption Agency
in reply to a message by Moon
Name: Charilaos
Age: 34
Occupation: Special in Computer forensics at Athens's General Police Department
Hobbies:Computer SO
Name: Electra
Age: 30
Occupation: member of the European Parliament since January 2007.(with Syriza)& songwriter(both lyricist & composer), singer, actress in musical and sometimes model (at the past)
Hobbies:Reading Horse riddingCurrent children:-
Others living with you:-
Pets:an English Cocker Spaniel named Prinsess Nims, a Golden Retriever named Chiso and a Labrador Retriever named CeasarHow many children would you like to adopt: 1
Gender: either
Age:0-6 months
Languages preference:-
Religion preference:-
Will you accept:
--kids with pets? (what kind and gender)no
--children with disabilities? (mental, physical, emotional and severity; terminal)no
--pregnant teen/teen mother? no
--baby’s father? no

This message was edited 5/1/2008, 6:14 AM

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Chrysanthe is a 4 month old girl from Greece.
She is staring to crawl and can say simple words.
She's a beautiful girl with curly Black hair and Dark Green eyes.
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