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Re: Adoption Agency
in reply to a message by Moon

LN: CatchloveYOU
Name: Rachel Shaina
Age: 30
Occupation: Writer (works at home)
Disabilities: none
Hobbies: writing, graphic design, reading, drawing and coloring, playing with the kidsSO
Name: Alexandru Charles
Age: 32
Occupation: English Teacher
Disabilities: asthma
Hobbies: Writing, cooking, reading, running, Current children: Helena Esme Seraphina (6), Avril Noa Sofia (5), Ashley Jacob Evren (4), Edward Morgan Christophe (2), and Rosalie Stella Maude (1).
Others living with you: none
Pets: none How many children would you like to adopt: Any number up to 10. I'm not too picky.
Gender: Either
Age: no preference
Nationality: English, American, Russian, French, Romanian, Australian, Chinese
Languages preference: English, maybe French. If the child is still young (doesn't speak much), no preference
Religion preference: atheist or non-practicing
Will you accept:
--kids with pets? No.
--children with disabilities? Mild emotional
--pregnant teen/teen mother? yes (see Other)
--baby’s father? yes, with or without child (see Other)
Other: I will take a teen mother, or a teen father, but I will not take both if they're in a relationship-- adopting them both makes them siblings to me. They are, however, allowed to continue their relationship.
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Riko Chou, Rin Saki, and Rio Tsubaki are 2-month-old triplets from Japan. There are no known facts about their parents.
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You are the proud parent of two adopted children from France! One child, a girl, is eight. She has dyslexia. Her native language is French, but she speaks some English and is eager to learn more. She is shy but very sweet-natured and loving, once she gets to know someone. She has shoulder-length blonde hair and hazel eyes. She has an eighteen month old brother. He is learning to talk, and knows a few words of French, but will most likely learn English easily. He is a bright, smiley boy, with blonde hair like his sister. The daughter wants to keep her French name, but is okay adding a second MN. The son already knows his name, so keep that in mind if you decide to change it.

This message was edited 5/4/2008, 7:11 PM

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