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Re: Keepskuh's Congrats Game Round 23
UN: Mar
LN: Davidson-O'Malley
DH: Montague Caradoc
DW: Nellie Guinevere
DD: Julie Rose
-----DH: Ben Sparrow Montoya
-----DS: Oswin Kadar Montoya
-----DD: Lacey Cloud Montoya
-----DS: Cole Barlow Montoya
-----DS: Thurston Coy Montoya
DD: Nora Kirsten
-----DH: Jett Castell Walker
-----DS: Kentaro Sven "Taro" Walker
-----DD: Valentina Liv "Lenta" Walker
-----DS: Storey Forest Walker
DS: Ezra Lars
-----DW: Magdalena Jazz "Mag" Dunn
-----DD/DD: Raine Elspeth Dunn and Paige Kirsten Dunn
-----DD: Minnie Gean Dunn
DD/DD: Josefina Millie and Magdalena Tia
-(J)-DH: Phineas Paxton Davis
-----DD: Angie Delia-Jane Davis
-----DS: August Henry-John Davis
-(M)-DH: David King Albright
-----DD: Lena May Albright
-----DS: Andy Foy Albright
-----DS: Bobby Lee Albright
-----DD: Zoe Madge Albright
DS/DD: Raven Solomon and Marina Dolores
-(R)-DW: Jennie Alphina Wallace
-----DD: Marion Gladys Davidson-O'Malley
-----DS/DS: Osborne Miles / Corbin Radcliffe Davidson-O'Malley
-(M)-DH: Judson Keife Hawkins
-----DD: Runa Carmen Hawkins
-----DD: Fair Virginia Hawkins
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