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CN's Congrats Picture Contest 3 (everyone can vote)
Here's the picture contest for the photos from round 3. You can not vote for your own picture.
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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Cutest babyPhotobucket
BoiCrazii's SamanthaPhotobucket
Diamante04's ConnerPhotobucket
Elianora's Gwendolyn and Working Class Hero's CarinaPhotobucket
Genevieve's LeoPhotobucket
HeidiAnn's TroyPhotobucket
LadyBug's CiananPhotobucket
LeeElizaBnt's NatPhotobucket
LMS's EsmePhotobucket
Lorelei's DavidPhotobucket
Nikki's Ada
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LMS's Esme
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Genevieve's Leo
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Lorelei's David
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HeidiAnn's Troy
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Diamante04's Conner
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Genevieve's Leo.
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LMS's Esme
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BoiCrazii's Samantha
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Elianora's Gwendolyn and Working Class Hero's Carina
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LMS's Esme
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Elianora's Gwendolyn and Working Class Hero's Carina
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HeidiAnn's Troy
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LMS's Esme
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BoiCrazii's Samantha
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Elianora's Gwendolyn and Working Class Hero's Carina
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Diamante04's Conner
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BoiCrazii's Samantha
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HeidiAnn's Troy
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Cutest three-year-oldPhotobucket
BoiCrazii's SebastianPhotobucket
Diamante04's CecilyPhotobucket
Elianora's JessePhotobucket
Genevieve's NoraPhotobucket
HeidiAnn's ClaudiaPhotobucket
LadyBug's JackPhotobucket
LeeElizaBnt's LilyPhotobucket
LMS's LeahPhotobucket
Lorelei's MayaPhotobucket
Nikki's JulianPhotobucket
Working Class Hero's Alex
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Genevieve's Nora
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Nikki's Julian
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LMS's Leah
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LMS's Leah
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Diamante04's Cecily.
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LeeElizaBnt's Lily
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Diamante04's Cecily
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Diamante04's Cecily
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Diamante04's Cecily
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HeidiAnn's Claudia
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Nikki's Julian
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Nikki's Julian
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LMS's Leah
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Lorelei's Maya
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Genevieve's Nora
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LadyBug's Jack
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LeeElizaBnt's Lily
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Cutest five-year-oldPhotobucket
BoiCrazii's SusannaPhotobucket
Diamante04's GrantPhotobucket
Elianora's IvyPhotobucket
Genevieve's GrahamPhotobucket
HeidiAnn's LisaPhotobucket
LadyBug's MaisiePhotobucket
LeeElizaBnt's OwenPhotobucket
LMS's LucienPhotobucket
Lorelei's CharlesPhotobucket
Nikki's NathanPhotobucket
Working Class Hero's Nate
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Elianora's Ivy
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Elianora's Ivy
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HeidiAnn's Lisa
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Elianora's Ivy
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LMS's Lucien
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Diamante04's Grant.
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Elianora's Ivy
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LMS's Lucien
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Elianora's Ivy
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LadyBug's Maisie
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Lorelei's Charles
(So many of them were cute, but his smile was so adorable that I couldn't help but smile. :b)
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LMS's Lucien
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Elianora's Ivy
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LMS's Lucien
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HeidiAnn's Lisa
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LMS's Lucien
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LMS's Lucien
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Elianora's Ivy
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