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Re: Ashley's Muy Grande Congrats Round 7
LN: McAden
DH: Ryan Thomas
DW: Julia AnneDD: Mallory Joyce (McAden) Tripp
-DH: Brent Mathew Tripp
-DS: Hayden Zachary
-DS: Kellen Rhett
-DS: Mitchell Luke
-DD: Tessa MiriamDD: Elizabeth Lauren (McAden) Field
-DH: Nicholas Tyler Field
-DD: Olivia Ashley
-DD: Samantha Danielle
-DD: Allie Madeleine
-DS: Samuel Gregory DS: Trevor Ethan McAden
-DW: Marissa Jade (Ross) McAden
-DD: Evelyn Claire
-DS: Preston Bryce DD: Katherine Victoria
-DH: Pierce Lowell Anderson DD: Audrey ColleenRyan and Julia McAden; Mallory, Elizabeth, Trevor, Katherine, and Audrey
Mallory and Brent Tripp; Hayden, Kellen, Mitchell, and Tessa
Elizabeth and Nicholas Field; Olivia, Samantha, Allie, and Samuel
Trevor and Marissa McAden; Evelyn, Preston
Katherine and Pierce Anderson
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