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Re: Ashley's Muy Grande Congrats Round 7
LN: Monroe
DH: Van Michael
DW: Kristina Lynn ‘Krissy’DD: Elisa Rose (Monroe) Baker
-DH: Charles Marlon ‘Charlie’ Baker
-DS: Christopher Thomas ‘Chris’ Baker
-DD: Eva Carolyn
-DD: Erin Lindsey
-DD: Scarlett Lena
-DS: Arthur KeatonDS: Garrett Mitchell Monroe
-DW: Shelby Autumn (Palumbo) Monroe
-DS: Patrick Ian ‘Pat’
-DD: Alison Rachael ‘Allie’
-DD: Gabriela Jade
-DD: Jordan OliviaDD: Jenna Caitlin (Monroe) Sanders
-DH: Aaron Charles Sanders
-DS: Mason Hunter
-DS: Erik VincentDS: Andrew James ‘Andy’
-DW: Elizabeth Nicole `Lizzie`(Fields) MonroeDD: Ivy Lorraine
DD: Kristina Joy ‘Kristy’Van and Krissy Monroe; Elisa, Garrett, Jenna, Andy, Ivy and Kristy
Elisa and Charlie Baker; Chris, Eva, Erin, Scarlett and Arthur
Garrett and Shelby Monroe; Pat, Allie, Gabriela, Jordan
Jenna and Aaron Sanders; Mason, Erik
Andy and Lizzie Monroe
Ivy and Kristy
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