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Re: Ashley's Muy Grande Congrats Round 7
LN: Barton
DH: Matthew James
DW: Susannah GraceDD: Madeleine Julianna (Barton) James
-DH: Theodore Eli James
-DS: Elias Quinten James
-DD: Joanna Elise James
-DD: Miriam Virginia James
-DS: Raymond Wesley James
-DS: Reuben Avery JamesDS: James Christopher Barton
-DW: Abigail Rachel (Dunn) Barton
-DS: David Alexander Barton
-DS: Matthew Joseph Barton
-DS: Mark Lucas Barton
-DD: Amy Christina BartonDD: Liza Corrine (Barton) Banks
-DH: Simeon Houston Banks
-DD: Areli Katarina Banks
-DS: Jonathan Jesse Banks (changed Johnathan to Jonathan and Jessy to Jesse)DS: Jonathan Alexander Barton
-DW: Stella Magdalena (March) BartonDS: Alan Colin
DS: Miles Lane
DS: Lincoln James (I just realized I had two Jameses, so I switched his name around.)
DD: Carol Amelia
DD: Annabelle ClaraMatthew and Susannah Barton; Madeleine, James, Liza, Jonathan, Alan, Miles, James, Carol and Annabelle
Madeleine and Theodore James; Elias, Joanna, Miriam, Raymond and Reuben
James and Abigail Barton; David, Matthew, Mark, Amy
Liza and Simeon Banks; Areli, Jonathan
Jonathan and Stella Barton
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