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Re: Ashley's Muy Grande Congrats Round 7
Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward
DW: Serafina Violet (Jamison)DD: Valerie Felicia (Anderson) Williams
-DH: Jack Philip Williams
-DS: Dominic Javier
-DS: Thomas Julius
-DD: Priscilla Rebekah
-DD: Bridget Nora
-DD: Daphne GwendolynDD: Grace Adriana (Anderson) Brandt
-DH: Anthony David Brandt
-DS: Benjamin Noah
-DS: Frederick Micah
-DS: David William
-DS: Grayson Demitrius
-DD: June Rosalie DD: Erica Taylor (Anderson) Smith
-DH: Malachi Donovan Smith
-DS: Abraham Giovanni
-DD: Claudia AutumnDD: Alexandria Julia
-DH: Nicolas Leonard ThayerDD: Naomi SummerCarlisle and Serafina Anderson; Valerie, Grace, Erica, Alexandria and Naomi
Valerie and Jack Williams; Dominic, Thomas, Priscilla, Bridget and Daphne
Grace and Anthony Brandt; Benjamin, Frederick, David, Grayson and June
Erica and Malachi Smith; Abraham and Claudia
Alexandria and Nicolas Thayer;
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