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Re: Ashley's Muy Grande Congrats Round 7
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elissa MatildaDS: Brendon Connor Smith
-DW: Eva Liliana (Thomas) Smith
-DS: Brennan Myles
-DD: Brooke Isabella
-DS: Harrison Connor
-DS: Brett Rafael
-DD: Savannah JuliaDS: Zachary Jacob Smith ‘Zach’
-DW: Grace Olivia (Grangewood) Smith
-DS: Alexander Ryan
-DS: Aaron Benjamin
-DS: Malaki Camden
-DD: Regina JordanDD: Alesha Skye (Smith) Trebor
-DH: Tanner Jared Trebor
-DD: Ashlyn Sophia
-DD: Abbie JuliannaDS: Max Ruben
-DW: Emma BritneyDS: Kieran AsherBrandon and Elissa Smith; Brendon, Zach, Alesha, Max and Kieran
Brendon and Eva Smith; Brennan, Brooks, Harrison, Brett and Savannah
Zach and Grace Smith; Alexander, Aaron, Malaki, Regina
Alesha and Tanner Trebor; Ashlyn, Abbie
Max and Emma Smith;
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