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Re: Ashley's Muy Grande Congrats Round 7 + note
LN: Escamilla
DH: Antonio Luis
DW: Camila IsabelDS: Leo Rogelio Escamilla
-DW: Angelique Marilyn (Beaumont) Escamilla
-DS: Alejandro JusticeAli
-DS: Elliot Tomas
-DS: Mackenzie Mauricio
-DS: Addison CedricDS: Victor Carlos Escamilla
-DW: Molly Erica (Thoreau) Escamilla
-DD: Claire Alexa
-DD: Alison Rachael
-DS: Landon Antonio
-DS: Travis AaronDD: Tia Hope (Escamilla) Roswell
-DH: Devan Blaine Roswell
-DS: Easton Cyrus
-DD: Gabriela JaniceDD: Natalie Angela
-DH: Jared Alexander WilliamsDD: Alissa RobinAntonio and Camila Escamilla; Leo, Victor, Tia, Natalie and Alissa
Leo and Angelique Escamilla; Ali, Elliott, Mackenzie and Addison
Victor and Molly Escamilla; Claire, Alison, Landon,
Tia and Devan Roswell; Easton
Natalie and ?
AlissaI named the DW of the family Camila Isabel but for some reason it keeps showing it as Camila Isabe. Can you change it to Isabel, please? Thanks! :)
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