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Re: Ashley's Muy Grande Congrats Round 7
LN: Smith
DH: Asher Gabriel Smith
DW: Luna Ophelia SmithDS: Ashton Cyrus Smith
-DW: Paola Melody (Anderson) Smith
-DD: Eva Justice Smith
-DS: Toby Brennen Smith
-DS: Denver Ramsey Smith
-DD: Nora Eliana Smith
-DD: Lily Johanna SmithDS: Jonah Cooper Smith
-DW: Selena Amaya (Jewelson) Smith
-DS: Erick Micah Smith
-DD: Candy Ashlyn Smith
-DD: Raven Guadalupe Smith
-DS: Colby Clayton Smith (I changed Claydon to Clayton)DD: Macy Natalia (Smith) Goldwine
-DH: Zane Oliver Goldwine
-DD: Hanna Lizbeth
-DS: Josiah PrestonDS: Blake Logan Smith
-DW: Jada Sierra (Mollenhour) SmithDS: Jasper Blair SmithAsher and Luna Smith; Ashton, Jonah, Macy, Blake and Jasper
Ashton and Paola Smith; Eva, Toby, Denver, Nora and Lily
Jonah and Selena Smith; Erick, Candy, Raven and Colby
Macy and Zane Goldwine; Hanna, and Josiah
Blake and Jada
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