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Re: Ashley's Muy Grande Congrats Round 7
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole Ward ‘Jen’DD: Ella Marianne (Ward) Silva
-DH: Cade Jamison Silva
-DD: Tatyana Jacqueline Silva
-DD: Alexandra Zoe Silva ‘Allie’
-DD: Carrie Reagan Silva
-DS: Ross Gray SilvaDD: Megan Elizabeth (Ward) Shore
-DH: Austin James Shore
-DS: Benjamin Ryan Shore ‘Ben’
-DD: Addison Rachel Shore
-DD: Michaela Abby Shore
-DS: John Joseph ShoreDD: Kaitlynn Emilie (Ward) Thomas ‘Kate’
-DH: Jude Samuel Thomas
-DD: Lacie Allison Thomas
-DD: Selina Lily ThomasDS: Luke Erik Ward
-DW: Kelly Nicole (Gray) Ward [changed 's' to 'l' and deleted 'e' in Kelsey; deleted 'h' in Nichole]DD: Cristina Daisy Ward
DS: Garrett Nathaniel WardJohn and Jen Ward; Ella, Megan, Kate, Luke, Cristina and Garrett
Ella and Cade Silva; Tatyana, Allie, Carrie and Ross
Megan and Austin Shore; Ben, Addison, Michaela, and John
Kate and Jude Thomas; Lacie and Selina
Luke and Kelly
Cristina and Garrett**************
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