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Re: Ashley's Muy Grande Congrats Round 7
LN: Hart
DH: Gregory Stephen
DW: Clarissa GabrielleDD: Lydia Ellen Justine (Hart) Donne
-DH: Laurence Maxwell Donne ‘Larry’
-DS: Calvin Riley
-DS: Franklin Reed ‘Reed’
-DS: Joseph Edgar ‘Joe’
-DD: Cora Joanna
-DS: Nicholas Stephen ‘Nick’
-DS: Marcus Albert ‘Marc’DS: Jesse Paul Hart
-DW: Laura Claire Alexandra (Smithy) Hart
-DS: Lucas Dalton ‘Luke’
-DD: Victoria Christine
-DS: Edward Paul ‘Paul’
-DD: Mary Catherine Amelia ‘Molly’DD: Angelina Rose (Hart) Wilder ‘Angie’
-DH: Charles Alexander Wilder ‘Alex’
-DS: Adrian Nathaniel
-DD: Elisabeth Madeleine 'Lisa' (nn to full name)DS: Charles Richard ‘Charlie’
-DW: Sophia Gabrielle Foothill 'Sophie' (none)DS: Gabriel Peter ‘Gabe’Gregory and Clarissa Hart; Lydia, Jesse, Angie, Charlie and Gabe
Lydia and Larry Donne; Calvin, Reed, Joe, Cora, Nick and Marc
Jesse and Laura Hart; Luke, Victoria, Paul, Molly
Angie and Alex Wilder; Adrian, Lisa
Charlie and Sophie
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