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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5

User Name: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward (37)
DW: Serafina Rosalind (35)
DS: Matthias Casimer (13)
DD: Elisabeth Cara (11)
AD/AD: Naomi Megumi / Sori Ayaka (10)
DD: Eve Olympia (8)
DD: Grace Simone (2)
DD: Elenore Leona (nb)
Number (1-80): random
Wishes (2): [none]
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: no
You adopt twin 10 year old girls from Japan. Their names are Naomi Megumi and Sora Ayaka. Do you keep the names? Change them? How are they? Why did you choose to adopt them?
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