Re: CN's Picture Congrats - Sign up
in reply to a message by CN
UN: Working Class Hero
LN: Harper
DH: Joshua James (24) Occupation: photographer
DW: Olivia Ismene "Livie" (22) Occupation: novelist
Do you want a picture contest for every round? yes
If yes, should everyone or just the ones playing be able to vote? everyone
Should there be a contest for the optional pictures? yeah, if it isn't too much bother for you
Joshua and Livie

Joshua and Livie's house by the beach

LN: Harper
DH: Joshua James (24) Occupation: photographer
DW: Olivia Ismene "Livie" (22) Occupation: novelist
Do you want a picture contest for every round? yes
If yes, should everyone or just the ones playing be able to vote? everyone
Should there be a contest for the optional pictures? yeah, if it isn't too much bother for you
Joshua and Livie

Joshua and Livie's house by the beach