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Re: Whimsicalfaery's NTNB Round 4
York FamilyDH: Camden Keagan
DW: Macey GraceDD: Kendall Paige(molly)6
DD: Lacey Rose(avalon)3
DS: Hayden Carter(Julia)2
DD: Addison Nora Cam is to be a daddy again to another girl, he was secretly hoping it to be a boy but he seems to be lucky in the girl department. Macey wants the name to be trendy like the rest of teh family but the middle name to honor Cam's grandmother Nora Leonie Mae Sanderson(his mothers mother).
VarnerDH: Peter Cale
DW: Bianca RaeDS: Alexander Freedom(Maia)6
DD: Lucinda Mirabella "Lucie"(Genevieve)3
DS/DD: Bennett William and Bryony Elizabeth(avalon)2
DS: Charles EdwardTwo years pass and yet again Bianca and Peter are faced with another child. Bianca wants to stop here but Peter does not believe in birth control. Their marriage is on the rocks, will this little boy bring them closer or tear them apart. Peter wants to name him after his father in some way. Peters father: Edward Hyde Varner III. But Bianca does not like those names at all. She would be ok with Edward as a middle name. So in compromise they agree the middle name is to be Edward. Help them with the first name.------------------------------------------------------------
GarrisonDH: Garrett Jules
DW: Lydia Shea TamrynDD: Genevieve Helena Evangeline(avalon) 6 "Evie"
DD: Alyssa Dora Mckenzie(sugar)3 "Allie"
DS: Timothy Gabriel(Wintertale)2 "Gabe"
DD/DS/DS: Liliana Wynter Grace/ Leander James / Lucas William "Lily, Lee, Luke"The Garrisons are having triplets!! They new multiples ran in Garretts family but never in their lives thought it would be them having this joy and delima. They do know there is one girl and two boys. As the other girls they want two middle names and they want the triplets to have the same initial for the first name. Garrett would like to see "cool" names for his triplets, and Lydia wants names that are not too boring either but she wants the names to blend with the rest of the family also.
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