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Re: Hola's Congrats Round 9
Username: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (46)
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen" (44)
DS/DS: Benjamin Jeremy "Ben" / James Brandon (20)
DD/DS: Jasmine Michelle / Jacob Nicholas (18)
DD: Elisabeth Maria (16)
DS: Joseph Leonard (14)
DS: Jude Samuel (12)
DD/DD: Taylor Evangelia / Madelyn Julie (10)
DD: Ariella Georgia (8)
DD/DD: Katherine Stella "Kate" / Olivia Sara "Livie" (6)
DD: Nathalie Ava
Dog: MaxJohn and I are thrilled to announce the arrival of the newest addition to our family! Our daughter, Nathalie Ava, is a sweet baby girl who is adored by her older siblings. The girls, in particular, are thrilled to have another sister, though her big brothers are very protective of her.Ben and James are now college students. Where does the time go? Ben is studying pre-law and would like to pursue a career as a lawyer, while James is studying criminal justice, in hopes of becoming a police officer.
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