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Re: Hola's Congrats Round 9
Username: Quigonjecca
LN: Smith
DH: Caspian Blaise (47)
DW: Luna Nimue (45)
DS/DS: Clayton Sinclair/ Adam Peter (20)
DD: Pandora Scholastica Nephele (18)
DS/DS: Brennan Gabriel/ Tristen Riley (16)
DS: Riley Daniel (14)
DS: Luke Matthew (12)
DD/DD: Leia Krishna/ Nuria Harmony(10)
DD: Cerulean Rosa (8)
DD/DS: Winter Delilah/ Elijah Nolan (6)
DD: Ophelia Calypso
Python: HarpalykeClayton and Adam both started college recently. Clayton has always wanted to become an Egyptologist. However, when he found that it takes 10+ years to master that degree, I think he changed his mind. Now, he is exploring options in the Archeaology field.Adam didn't really know what career he wanted to pursue until last year. Now he is dead-set on majoring in Political Science. Looks like our little son could be the next senator!
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