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Re: Nikki's Random Event Congrats Round 9
in reply to a message by Nikki
UN: Quigonjecca
LN: Smith
DH: Caspian Blaise
DW: Winter Eowyn
DD/DD: Gethsemane Magdalene Brighton / Eva-Noelle Gwyneira Yule
--Gethsemane's DH: Joshua Vincent Brighton
---DS: Sebastian Jonas Brighton
---DD: Luna Miracle Brighton
---DD: Sierra Sunbeam Brighton
--Eva-Noelle's DH: Gideon Batholomew Yule
---DS: Westley Roarc Yule
---DD/DD/DD: Rhianna Annamarie Yule / Madeline Serenity Yule / Layla Triniry Yule
DD: Krishna Aisling
--Dbf: Sirius Orion Capricorn
---DS: Sawyer Ash
---DD: Hadassah Aphrodite
DS/DS/DD: Xerxes Sargon Smith / Nemo Poseidon / Odessa Niamh
--Xerxes's DW: Dalia Philomena Smith
---DD: Annika Estelle Smith
---DS: Aric Kade Smith
---DD: Lothiriel Evenstar Smith
--Nemo's DW: Saoirse Tallulah Minou
----DD: McKayla Lourdes Smith
DD/DD: Oriana Ismene / Ariadne Adanna
--Oriana’s DH: Aesc Kingsley Foster
---DS: Beorn Shadowfax Foster
--Ariadne’s DH: Eoghan Absalom Tomlin
DS: Asher Jerusalem
--DW: Lalaith Miriel Goldwine
DD: Aayla Charis
Random Event Number: (1-50)Your youngest just told you that he or she don't want any biological children (atleast now, maybe she want to have biological children in the future? Your choice)Aayla told me earlier that she doesn't think she wants biological children. I thought this was odd, but I didn't press it. She's missing the kin-ship the rest of the family shares-- she the only one who isn't married. I think once she is, and she settles down, she might change her mind.She has talked of adopting. And yes, there are many children around the world needing homes, so perhaps that is the route she will go. However, I think in future she will change her mind, and have some children of her own.
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