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Wow, I totally missed it
in reply to a message by Nikki
LN: Di MatteoDH: Adriano Francis
DW: Lucia CaterinaDS: Maximus John (32) [BF's son]
--DW: Rose Anna Baudelaire (31)
---DS/DD: Jonas Maximilian / Megan Wilhelmina (9)
---DD: Sarah Hermione (6)
DS: James Nazzareno (31)
--DH: Benedict Simon (31)
---DD: Sophie Ginevra (8)
---DS/DS: Rowan Francesco / Nathaniel Bruno (4)
DD: Clara Natalia (30) [Russia]
--DH: Dominic James Godfrey (32)
---DS/DD: Felix Matteo / Josephine Emma (7)
---DD: Hazel Athena (2)
DS: Jacob Octavian (29) [BF's son]
--DW: Isadora Beatrice McKenzie (29)
---DD: Luna Elizabeth (6) [Italy]
DS/DD: Arthur Diego / Victoria Elisa (27)
--A'sDW: Phoebe Catherine Kaligaris (27)
---DD: Felicity Sara (4)
---DD: Saskia Galadriel (1 day)
--V'sDH: Felipe Gabriel Herrero (29)
---DS: Oliver Bentley (2)
DD: Emily Anna (24)
--DH: Ashley Legolas Fairfax (27)
DD/DS/DS: Beatrix Oriana / Leander Dante / Elliot Rocco (21)
--L'sGF: Juniper Anne Beckett (20)
--B'sDH: Théoden Moses Jones (24)
--E'sDW: Éowyn Magdalena Tuck (21)Random Event Number: 8Jonas had been having trouble with assignments at school (the kind where the instructions go "circle the red balloon", or colouring pictures) and his teacher called Max and Rosie in to tell them her suspicions: she thought Joey could be colourblind. Max and Rosie took him to be tested, and sure enough, he's got a deficiency in that area. Now that the problem has been identified, his teacher and his parents are working together to make life easier for him. He's got labelled colouring utensils, using symbols instead of colour codes, etc. He seems to be OK with it for now.
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