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Bride & Groom Category
When voting please choose one and put both the number and name of the entry in your post!Caroline Maes Allegra and Sergio Fortunato
1. Caroline Mae’s Allegra & Sergio FortunatoHeidiAnns Gabi and Carlos Martinez
2. HeidiAnn’s Gabi & Carlos MartinezLadyBugs Micah and Erin Bourne
3. LadyBug’s Micah & Erin BourneDiamante04s Connor and Livie Woods
4. Diamante04’s Connor & Livie Woods
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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2. HeidiAnn’s Gabi & Carlos Martinez
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3. LadyBug’s Micah & Erin Bourne
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4. Diamante04’s Connor & Livie Woods
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4. Diamante04’s Connor & Livie Woods
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3. LadyBug’s Micah & Erin Bourne
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4. Diamante04’s Connor & Livie Woods
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1. Caroline Mae’s Allegra & Sergio Fortunato
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1. Caroline Mae’s Allegra & Sergio Fortunato
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1. Caroline Mae’s Allegra & Sergio Fortunato
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1. Caroline Mae’s Allegra & Sergio Fortunato
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Caroline Mae's Allegra and Sergio
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HeidiAnn’s Gabi & Carlos Martinez
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3. LadyBug’s Micah & Erin Bourne
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2. HeidiAnn’s Gabi & Carlos Martinez
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1. Caroline Mae’s Allegra & Sergio Fortunato
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Connor & Livie Woods
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2. HeidiAnn’s Gabi & Carlos Martinez
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1. Caroline Mae’s Allegra & Sergio Fortunato
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4. Diamante04’s Connor & Livie Woods
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3. LadyBug’s Micah & Erin Bourne
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1. Caroline Mae’s Allegra & Sergio Fortunato
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3. LadyBug’s Micah & Erin Bourne
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