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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
User Name: Flute
LN: Carpenter
DH: Kurtis James "Kurt" (37)
DW: Karen Noelle (32)
DS: Dominik Joshuah “Nick” (13)
DD: Winter Talia (11)
DS: Reuben Asher (8)
AD: Violet Matilda (8)
DS: Taylor Frederick (2)
DD: Kathleen Marjory "Kat" (0)
Number (1-80): 45
Wishes (2): Twins, no naming rules
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: YesWell, Kurt's mother, Cynthia, offered to take care of Taylor and Kat for Kurt and I while we were at work. Both Kurt and I have a strained relationship with her, which has led to her not knowing Nick, Winter, Violet, and Reuben very well. We think that she regrets that and wants to try and have a good relationship with Taylor and Kat. Even though we don't get along with her very well, we can hardly begrudge her wanting to know her grandchildren. Plus, finances are a little tight and it would be easier on us if we could have free childcare, so we decided to take her up on her offer. Hopefully we can patch up our relationship.
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