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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
User Name: Zephyrine
LN: DesRocher
DH: Daniel Phillipe Henri (59)
DW: Aurora Isabelle (39)
AS: Elijah William (22) (Illegitimate- Daniel)
-DW: Cecily Letitia
DS: Jean Claude “Claude” (13)
DD: Rosanna Naomi “Rose” (11)
DD: Clementine Therese “Clem” (8)
DD: Dorothéa-Aimée Marguerite “Théa” (2)
DS: Michael David (nb)
Number (1-80): 80
Wishes (2): To have some adopted children and some twins in there somewhere! In my last post i mentioned that we were planning to move out of the suburbs into the country. Emphasis on the WERE! We bought a beautiful house about half an hour away from Daniel's parents in Burgundy, but about a week after we bought the house the area was devastated by a random tornado. So it looks like we wont be escaping the suburbs any time soon.It was quite a shock to all of us when i found myself pregnant again - especially as Daniel and i both swore Thea would be our last child, due to the fact that we are both not getting any younger - but little Michael was born exactly one month ago and i wouldnt have it any other way, Although i am quite run ragged these days with five mischievous children to worry about and a baby crying at all hours of the night. In other news, Elijah recently married a wonderful girl called Cecily - we know that they are perfect for each other and hope that they will be very happy together.
p.s can someone please tell me how to upload pictures?

This message was edited 2/2/2008, 3:38 PM

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