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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
User Name: Sarah Kate
LN: Fallon / Samuelson
DexH: George Ian Fallon (34)
DW: Gemma Samantha (32)
Dbf: Henry Michael Samuelson (age?)
DD: Catherine Amalia Fallon “Cat” (13) [PTSD]
DS: Jacob Dalton Fallon (11)
DD: Daphne Edyth Fallon (8)
DS: Micah Achim Samuelson (2)
DD: Josie Frances Samuelson
Number (1-80): 74
Wishes (2): no twins, multiples and want a boy
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: yes
During a family barbecue, your neighbors call the police and complain about your family's noise level. Are you really that loud? What do the cops think? How does this change your relationship with your neighbors?We were not loud, but our neighbors dislike us, because we have children and they don't like kids. But the cops didn't think that it was loud. The neighbors were very angry and they are moving out of the neighborhood.
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