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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
User Name: Elianora
LN: Williams
DH: Jeffrey Austin “Jeff” (32)
DW: Khrystina Mai “Khrystie” (31)
AD/AD: Lucy Skylark Meadow / Aurelia Sunshine Eagle (17)
DS: Jaidyn Krystofer (15) [mom: Natasha Jade Hunter]
DS: Westley Brandon "Westie" (13)
DS: Sky Ryan (11)
AS: Brighten Storm Cayote (10)
DD: Meghan Kristyn (8)
DD: Hannah Grace (2)
DS: Cameron Leo
DDog: Aspen
Number (1-80): 59
Wishes (2): No naming rules and a new pet
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: yes
Jaidyn wants an eyebrow piercing. Do you let him get it?Jaidyn came home from school and told us he wanted to get his eyebrow pierced. Since my sister has hers done and has had lots of problems, we asked him to wait. He agreed, but I don't see him letting it go so easily.
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