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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
User Name: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (37)
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen" (35)
DS: James William (13)
DS: Jacob Lonnie (11)
DD: Katheryn Rachel “Kate” (8)
DS: August Adam “Adam” (2)
DS: Joshua Jason "Josh"
DDog: Max
Number (1-80): 48
Wishes (2): I wish for no naming rules. I wish for two daughters.
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: I'd like to have one more round in this generation.
One of the children has had a bad accident and broken some bones. How did they break it?We are happy to announce the arrival of the newest addition to our family, Joshua Jason. Josh was born happy and healthy, weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces; 21 inches long. His brothers and sisters are so thrilled to have another baby at home, and though Kate absolutely adores him, we know she was secretly hoping for a little sister. She's so outnumbered by boys! :-)And recently, shortly after Josh was born, Jacob was climbing a tree at his grandparents' house (something he loves to do), and slipped, falling to the ground below. He broke his arm and sprained his ankle, but is recovering well. I don't think that'll stop him from climbing, though!
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