Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
in reply to a message by Serel Channah
User Name: HeidiAnn
LN: Kimball
DH: Gregory Alan "Greg" (38)
DW: Fawn Alicia-Rae (37)
DS: Dexter Ryan (13)
DS: Tucker Flannery (11)
DS: Darby Rowan (8)
DS: Gavin Alistair (4) *note, you didn't change Gavin's age so I did
DD: Ella Grace (nb)
Number (1-80): 75
Wishes (2): I wish for twins. I wish for no nameing rules
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: No
Tucker got straight As on his report card! Do you reward him?
The Kimball family is doing very well. Fawn recently gave birth to another red head, but something that is new for the family, IT'S A GIRL! Little Ella Grace is certainly the Princess of the family, adored by all her big brothers.
Dexter is now 13 and in the 8th grade. He's still the class clown and still getting into trouble for it.
Tucker is 11 and in 6th grade. He's still a quiet, well behaved boy who gets very good grades. He just came home with Straight A's (as usual). He gets sad that Greg and Fawn don't "reward" him like other kids are. Greg and Fawn don't believe in rewarding kids for doing what they are suppose to do, bringing home the best grades they can (sidenote: that is the rule at my real house, much to the hatred of my middle son Nick who regularly comes home with straight A's and wishes I would reward him like his friends get for A's. So I had to chuckle when I saw the "event").
Darby is 8 and in the 3rd grade. He seems to be trying to "outshine" Dexter as being the most rambunctious child.
Gavin is now 4 and goes to preschool. He loves school and is a fun child to be around, always being silly.
Dexter and Greg





LN: Kimball
DH: Gregory Alan "Greg" (38)
DW: Fawn Alicia-Rae (37)
DS: Dexter Ryan (13)
DS: Tucker Flannery (11)
DS: Darby Rowan (8)
DS: Gavin Alistair (4) *note, you didn't change Gavin's age so I did
DD: Ella Grace (nb)
Number (1-80): 75
Wishes (2): I wish for twins. I wish for no nameing rules
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: No
Tucker got straight As on his report card! Do you reward him?
The Kimball family is doing very well. Fawn recently gave birth to another red head, but something that is new for the family, IT'S A GIRL! Little Ella Grace is certainly the Princess of the family, adored by all her big brothers.
Dexter is now 13 and in the 8th grade. He's still the class clown and still getting into trouble for it.
Tucker is 11 and in 6th grade. He's still a quiet, well behaved boy who gets very good grades. He just came home with Straight A's (as usual). He gets sad that Greg and Fawn don't "reward" him like other kids are. Greg and Fawn don't believe in rewarding kids for doing what they are suppose to do, bringing home the best grades they can (sidenote: that is the rule at my real house, much to the hatred of my middle son Nick who regularly comes home with straight A's and wishes I would reward him like his friends get for A's. So I had to chuckle when I saw the "event").
Darby is 8 and in the 3rd grade. He seems to be trying to "outshine" Dexter as being the most rambunctious child.
Gavin is now 4 and goes to preschool. He loves school and is a fun child to be around, always being silly.
Dexter and Greg





This message was edited 2/1/2008, 5:27 PM