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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
User Name: BoiCrazii
LN: Highmore
DH: Alfred Thomas "Freddie" (37)
DW: Molly Hope (36)
DD: Joanna Kathryn (13)
DD: Solange Jordyn (11)
DS: Simon Russell (9)
DS: Patrick Joseph (2)
DD: Virginia Dale (nb)
Number (1-80): 57
Wishes (2): multiples (up to quadruplets) or no namebank
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: it depends on when the next round will be... if Joanna is 15 or older, yes. if she's not, no
Joanna wants a belly button piercing. Do you let her get it?We allowed her to get a belly button piercing -- when she's fifteen. But on a few conditions: she had to pass school, be nice to her siblings, and clean the piercing when she gets it.
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