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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5

User Name: Cera
LN: Moran
DH: David Keith "Dave" (35)
DW: Delilah Francine (33)
DD/DD/DD: Trudy Abigail / Rachel Anne / Rebecca Janine (13)
DS: Max Gregory (11)
DS: Nathaniel Jon “Nathan” (8)
DS: Kelly Dean “Kel” (2)
DS: Mathew Garrett
Number (1-80): 64
Wishes (2): One of the triplets gets married, OR Dave and Delilah adopt a child.
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: Not yet, though the round after that would be good.Dave and I had a hard time agreeing on a name for our fourth son. Dave wanted to name the new baby after his brother, Mathew. I loved the idea, but I wanted to spell the name Matthew, since it's a more standard spelling and Mathew would constantly be misspelled. All of our other children have very easy-to-spell names, so I thought it would be a little unfair. We debated for a long time, but eventually I agreed to spell the name the way Dave's brother spells it as long as we could use Garrett, my maiden name, as the middle name. Dave doesn't really like surnames as first or middle names, but he agreed that it would be a good compromise, so we named our new son Mathew Garrett.
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