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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
User Name: Ashley
LN: Hardings
DH: Deacon Ross (36)
DW: Joanna May (34)
AS: Jacob Eduardo “Jake” (16, Mexico)
DD: Elizabeth Kate “Eliza” (13)
DD: Odelia Magdalene (11)
DS: Benjamin Samuel ‘Ben’ (8)
AD: Emily Georgina 'Millie' (4, England)
DD: Harper Cyan (2)
DS: Cullen Andrew (nb)
Number (1-80): 26
Wishes (2): Be able to change a family member's name (Odelia's), no more adopted children (I just like biological better, sorry!)Would you like to make a new generation next round?: Yes!
You adopt an 4 year old girl from England. Her name is Millie Georgina. Do you keep the name? Change it? How is she? Why did you choose to adopt her? We decided to adopt Millie Georgina from England. We changed her name to Emily, because it has always been a favorite of mine. We kept the nickname Millie because it fits both her and the name Emily. She is fine, she will be starting kindergarten next fall. She is close with all of her siblings and we adopted her because we wanted just one more girl!
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