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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
User Name: Darkest
LN: Rosewood
DH: Daniel Francis (37)
DW: Lillian Blythe (36)
DD: Eleanor Frances (13)
DS: Kieran September (11)
DS: Francis Emmett (8)
DS: Chakotay Daniel (2)
DS: Dylan Xavier (nb)
DD: Virginia Leigh (nb, illegitimate - Daniel)
Number (1-80): 27
Wishes (2):
-I would like to be able to change two of the children's middle names.
-I want triplets.
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: I'll wait one more round, please. :)
A baby girl was dropped on the doorstep with a note saying she belongs to Daniel. What happened? How did Lillian react? Will you keep the baby? Her name is Virginia Leigh.Daniel was discharged from the Navy just last year, and we've all been thrilled to have him home permanently. Unfortunately, just after Dylan was born, a baby girl was left on our doorstep with a note saying she belonged to Daniel. Lillian didn't quite "loose it," but she came pretty close. After spending twelve years in the Navy, how could Daniel even think of sleeping with someone else? The situation was escalated when one of Lillian's friends from work came to visit her and see the new baby. Lillian teaches at the same high school she and Daniel once attended, and this particular man, a teacher who had just started when Lillian and Daniel were in school, had always hated Daniel. Lillian, who was, of course, distraught, confided in him, and he naturally said some very cruel things about Daniel. When Daniel tried to defend himself, he ended up on the streets.Lillian and Daniel are now back together, but things are still rough going. Lillian is trying her hardest to treat Virginia, who's just an innocent child, the same as she treats her own children, but most of her care goes straight to Daniel. Daniel and Lillian are hardly speaking to one another at all. Of course, the children have all picked up on this. Eleanor has always held a slight grudge against Daniel for leaving the family to serve in the Navy, and she now ignores him completely. Lillian knows she should try to discourage this, but she just doesn't have the energy. Kieran behaves basically the same as Eleanor, taking his cues from her. Francis picks up on the tension, but he for the most part still respects his dad, although he'll always listen to his mum first and check everything out with her before obeying Daniel. Kotay, at two, is not oblivious to the tension, but he doesn't act much differently from the norm. Lillian stubbornly refuses to leave Dylan in Daniel's care, so each parent seems to have his or her own infant to care for. Lillian intends to ask her cousin to take care of Dylan once her maternity leave is over, to Daniel's chagrin.
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