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User Name: Nikki
LN: Cambridge
DH: William Jacob (40)
DW: Braelyn Savannah (38)
DD: Kaitlynn Sierra (13)
DS: Kaden Olof (11)
DS: Kaleb Jaylon (8)
DS: Kouprey Dian (2)
DD: Tara Hailey (nb)
Number (1-80): 53
Wishes (2): no naming rules, multiples
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: yes
We recently moved again. We moved to Australia but before me moved our older kids got their report card from their school. Kaitlynn had mostly A's but some B's too. Kaden on the other hand had only A's !
We were so proud of him and decided that we wanted to reward him at some way. We asked him what he wanted and he told us that he wanted a home were he could life for a few years and not moving around.
I had the same feeling and William too, so thats why we moved to Australia. We promised him to live her for atleast five years now.Only two months after the move our second daughter was born. I wanted to give her another K name and thought that Karey, Kavie, Kevyn or Kara would be perfect. William didn't wanted another K name, atleast not for this child. And since his aunt just died he also wanted to honor her in some way (Tamsin Hannah). After alot of discussing we decided to keep the intials, TH, and William said that I could pick the firstname. I picked Tara and he picked Hailey for her middlename.

This message was edited 2/1/2008, 3:34 PM

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Sorry 'bout that. You have a DD.
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