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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
User Name: Working Class Hero
LN: Pierce
DH: John Paul "Johnny" (36)
DW: Amelia Iris "Lia” (35)
DS: Nathanial JosephNathan” (13)
DD: Ginnifer Ùna (11)
DS: James MatthewJamie” (8)
DS: William RomeoLiam” (2)
DS: Elias Everett "Eli" (nb)
Number (1-80): 1
Wishes (2): a sister for Ginnifer - twin girls
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: can I leave it until next round? If I can't then I'll do it now.Dear all,
This has been a pretty great year. We've welcomed our fourth son (poor Ginny!), a perfect little angel named Elias - we call him Eli. There was a great deal of 'debate' (OK, OK, arguments) about how to spell it. Johnny was all for Elliyus which is truly terrible in my opinion. Luckily I won out and saved our little boy from the torments of a dreadful name and like our other children his name is relatively sane.
Lots of love and good wishes,
Lia, Johnny and the kids~Johnny and Lia Pierce have Nathan, Ginnifer, Jamie, Liam and Eli~
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