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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
User Name: slgn4
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James(35)
DW: Mary Alice (33)
DD: Caroline Marie (13)
DS: Irving Elliot (11)
DD: Claudia Rose (8)
DS: Benjamin Lysander (2)
DD: Olivia Valerie
Ddog: Taz
Number (1-80): 18
Wishes (2): to have a boy or no naming rules
Would you like to make a new generation next round?:one more before the next generation (if that is ok ,but if it not i go to next generation)
Mary was offer a promotion from her job.The problem is that is in France.She and Albert and talked about it. Mary decided to not take the job and she also decided to quit her job to take care of her children.She always wanted to be stay at home mom and Albert makes enough for her stay at home now.
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