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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
User Name: Tai Angel
LN: Cloud
DH: Benjamin Matthew "Ben" (39)
DW: Cristina Penelope "Christy" (35)
DD: Sarah Daphne (13)
DD: Katherine Ambrosine (11)
DS: Nicholas Rafael (8)
AD: Lillian Marina (7)
AD: Octavia Jane-Rose (4)
AS: Theodore Bernard (3)
DD: Rose Evangelina (2)
DD: Emily Alessandra
Number (1-80): 72
Wishes (2): Can I get sextuplets or octuplets?
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: Sure, when you're ready is fine.Ben surprised me last week when he told me he had organised the day off work so that he could take me to watch Sunrise. I was so excited because I am so in love with Mel and Kochie (Melissa Doyle and David Koch). When we arrived he told me it was actually a makeover segment and I was to be on it. Once I had had the makeover I went on the show and was able to meet my favourite morning show hosts. It was the best experience of my life and something I will never forget.
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