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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 5
User Name: Keepskuh
LN: Browers
DH: Walter Browers (39)
DW: Anne Elisabeth (33)
DS: Benjamin Bayard (13)
AD: Elexys Makenzee Maddisyn “Ellie” (12)
DD: Kirsten Elisabeth (11)
DS: Andy Daniel (8)
DS: Fin Egilius (2)
DD: Athena Maryam (nb)
Ddog: Chief
Number (1-80): 33
Wishes (2): I want twins. I want another dog.
Would you like to make a new generation next round?: yes
Benjamin decided to shave his head. Do you let him?:
Ben announced he wanted to shave his head. We wouldn't let him, but he could trim his head if he wanted to. And he did. But he decided to let his hair grow longer again..
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