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Re: Ashley's Picture Congrats Round 8
Username: Sarah Kate - 1W
LN: Wadsworth
DH: Jacob Rylan Wadsworth (53)
DW: Jezebel Anne (Black) Wadsworth (53)DD: Luna Ashley (Wadsworth) Martens (28)
DH: Sean Nicholas Martens (28)
-DD: Gemma Laurence Martens (8)
-DS: Joshua Benjamin Martens (6)
-DS: Damien Alexander Martens (2) DD: Delilah Natalie Wadsworth (26)
DH: Jonas Simeon McHenry (26)
-DD: Carley Grace Simpson (4)
-DS: Tristan George McHenry (1)DS: Elijah Patrick Wadsworth (23)
DW: Savannah Leslie Wadsworth (23)
-DS: Gabriel Colin Wadsworth (2)
-DD: Antoinette Frances Wadsworth "Toni" (1)DD: Bridget Regina Wadsworth (21)
DS: Anderson Jacob Wadsworth (20)Bridget will marry.
Bridget and Delilah will have children.
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