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Re: Serel's Congrats Round 4
User Name: rainbow_Maya
LN: Conrad
DH: Harry Jason (36)
DW: Jo Louise (34)
DD: Beatrice Bobbie Johanna (11)
DD: Ninian Lisbeth (9)
DD: Alice Elsa Louise (6)
DD: Willow Alva (nb)After 6 years we decided to have another go at trying for a baby as it felt so strange to have all our girls of at school most of the day and no little feet running around most of th day anymore. The girls couldn't decide what they wanted more during my pregnancy, a boy at lst or another girl for the gang. We were so happy when we held our latest adition to our family in our arms: Willow Alva. It was a tough decision until 3 days after her birt, as Harry wanted to spell her name Willow Alwa and I prefered the spelling Willough Alva. But we finally compromised.Number: 56
Year: 1892
Numbers: 547 665 48 9 951 1 568 43 58 752
Our pet of the family Willow
Our three big girls, Beatrice, Ninian and Alice, a few years ago and now
Beatrice, Ninian and Alice
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