Re: Serel's Congrats Round 4
in reply to a message by Serel Channah
User Name: Nikki
LN: Cambridge
DH: William Jacob (38)
DW: Braelyn Savannah (36)
DD: Kaitlynn Sierra (11)
DS: Kaden Olof (9)
DS: Kaleb Jaylon (6)
DS: Kouprey Dian
Number (1-60): 55
Year (1880 to 2006): 2006
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 252, 463, 538, 363, 696, 947, 159, 25, 12, 75
After we moved to the United Kingdom everthing went by just fine and we lived there for two and a half year.
As I said before I always wanted to move to Asia but William wasen't so sure about it. When I revieved a promotion which meant that we had to move, to Asia, I was overjoyed. William on the other hand said that it wouldn't work because he had to be in Europe or the united states because of his company and help them out.
I told him that Asia would be perfect for him and his company. He could start up a new factory there and then he would have a factory all around the world except for Africa.
A few weeks later he said yes and we moved! We had a little hard to settle down and Kaitlynn asked us all the time if we would move again soon or not. When we told her no (the conract I signed meant that I had to work in Indonesia for atleast 2 years). After that she told us that she wanted a pink and girly room.
Those two years went by very fast and we decided to stay and sign another contract for another two years. After one and a half year I discovered that I were pregnant again!
Our youngest, Kaleb, were five at the time and we were so happy!
Kaitlynn was hoping for a sister (and me too) but we found out that it would be another boy. Kaitlynn were so said but we told her that maybe she will have a baby sister in the future.
On august the 25th our son was born. We decided to name him Kouprey Dian.

Kaleb in the grass

Kaden in a tree

Kaitlynn chatting with all her friends all around the world


LN: Cambridge
DH: William Jacob (38)
DW: Braelyn Savannah (36)
DD: Kaitlynn Sierra (11)
DS: Kaden Olof (9)
DS: Kaleb Jaylon (6)
DS: Kouprey Dian
Number (1-60): 55
Year (1880 to 2006): 2006
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 252, 463, 538, 363, 696, 947, 159, 25, 12, 75
After we moved to the United Kingdom everthing went by just fine and we lived there for two and a half year.
As I said before I always wanted to move to Asia but William wasen't so sure about it. When I revieved a promotion which meant that we had to move, to Asia, I was overjoyed. William on the other hand said that it wouldn't work because he had to be in Europe or the united states because of his company and help them out.
I told him that Asia would be perfect for him and his company. He could start up a new factory there and then he would have a factory all around the world except for Africa.
A few weeks later he said yes and we moved! We had a little hard to settle down and Kaitlynn asked us all the time if we would move again soon or not. When we told her no (the conract I signed meant that I had to work in Indonesia for atleast 2 years). After that she told us that she wanted a pink and girly room.
Those two years went by very fast and we decided to stay and sign another contract for another two years. After one and a half year I discovered that I were pregnant again!
Our youngest, Kaleb, were five at the time and we were so happy!
Kaitlynn was hoping for a sister (and me too) but we found out that it would be another boy. Kaitlynn were so said but we told her that maybe she will have a baby sister in the future.
On august the 25th our son was born. We decided to name him Kouprey Dian.

Kaleb in the grass

Kaden in a tree

Kaitlynn chatting with all her friends all around the world

