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Re: SwtNikki's Extended Congrat's Round Nine
Jj2ljjDW: Elizabeth Anne (Harrison) Aaron
DH: Joseph Richard Aaron
DD: Anna Rebecca Aaron
DD: Emily Rachel Aaron
DS: Robert Jack Aaron
DS: Elliott John Aaron
DD: Amelia Shannon AaronDW: Anna Rebecca (Aaron) Austin
DH: Nathaniel Matthew AustinDW: Emily Rachel (Aaron) Madison
DH: Daniel Nicholas "Danny" MadisonDH: Robert Jack Aaron
DW: Rachel Jocelyn (Anderson) AaronDH: Elliott John Aaron
DW: Juliet Isabella (Winter) AaronDW: Amelia Shannon (Aaron) Hayes
DH: Robert Elijah HayesI want the married women's last names to be their husbands. I put the birth last name in ( ) and the married last name after that.

This message was edited 1/21/2008, 12:12 PM

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