Re: Octavia
in reply to a message by Darkest
Posting Name: Octavia
Surname: Townsend
DH: Keegan Miller David "Dave" (46) [documentarian]
DW: Antonia Sabina Maddalena (47) [exciting political journalist]
DD: Maria Claudia Angelina (20) [Stage/film actress]
-Dbf: Robert Michael "Bobby" Savage (24) [Rocker]
--DS/DS/DS: Zephaniah Bambang "ZB" / Independence Calhoun "Indy" / George Prokhor (nb) [Father: Bobby Savage]
DS: Gabriel Francis "Gabe" (17, twin to John) [Senior (homeschool)]
DS: John Maximilian (17, twin to Gabe) [Senior/apprentice to Dave]
-Dgf: Louisa Kate Carver (19) [Acting]
--DD: Scarlett Mary Adelaide (1) [Mother: Louisa Carver]
AS: Carlo Ignazio Salvatore Mantovani “Iggy” (14)
Note: I changed Gabe's son to a daughter, because I've only named one daughter this whole congrats :P
Also note: I totally did not use namebanks for Maria's triplitos. If you want me to use them, I will go back and edit.
Also note: I changed the surname again! I'm sorry! Steiner did not sit comfortably with me. It is now Townsend.
Also also note: I changed John's gf Louisa's age to 19, and also she died. I'm not sure how to notate that.
Random Event: Your family moves to a different continent. (Again.) Where? And why in the world did you move again?
Number 1-15: 11
Should there be any more “free” rounds?: Well, I like some structure, myself, but I understand that congrats games are a pain to maintain, so...
Two Male Names To Add: Benedict and Harold
Two Female Names To Add: Maria and Penelope
These five years have been quite incredible. I suppose we should go chronilogically?
Maria received so much public encouragement for her acting (much due to her father's prominence in the media) that she dropped out of high school in her junior year to act full time. She was in constant demand for theater acting, but began to feel that people were only hiring her because of her father and not because of her stellar skillz. So did many other fresh acting faces, living off of pennies and scrounging for jobs. They muttered often about her to each other and a bit in the papers, calling her a score of very nasty names implying that she was just another rich girl without talent. Maria began to get more and more infuriated by this until one day, in the middle of a season, she was approached by a small group of ragamuffin kids with cameras and asked if she'd like to be in their independent film. Maria agreed without a second thought, dropped her job with the theater company, and brought the vagabond filmmakers to her father for funding. Dave was impressed by their spirit and creativity and readily gave them funding and tips, as long as John, who had begun to study under him officially as an "apprentice filmmaker," had a significant hand in the production of the film.
John was the primary editor. The film, Beginning To Believe It, was a pretty good little indie-do, although the characters were a bit contrived, and it ended up winning Sundance! Woohoo! This more or less handed Maria widespread fame and admiration among the anti-establishment youth culture, which was augmented when she laughed in the face of a Hollywood producer who wanted her in a big-budget overproduced Hollywood establishment deal. Her character (Lia McCoy "McCoy") was a strong-willed, playful, sarcastic, beautiful, young, independent woman, and the anti-establishment youth were absolutely mad about her. While the more educated film-watching population looked a bit askanse at the corny character she played, even the most sour admitted that her acting was "quite decent," in the words of the most negative review. But she won over their hearts eventually too: when she was asked in a press conference how strongly she felt her own personality was similar to McCoy's, she laughed and responded, "McCoy is a blind little girl. She's a seeker, but she's completely blind. People that look up to me because they equate me with McCoy aren't looking in the right place." (This remark puzzled the youth crowd, but also intrigued them quite a great deal. Incidentally, McCoy first charted for baby girls the year after Beginning To Believe It was released.)
John was credited under a pseudonym so as not to draw attention to the fact that two Townsend members were involved (and therefore bring to mind the whole "connections" mess), but he was incredibly thrilled to be working on his own and see his work received so well. His pseudonym was Jack Newton, and he has begun to introduce himself as Jack.
Beginning To Believe It was thrilling for John/Jack for more reasons than editing-related ones. The main reason is that he became thoroughly smitten with one of the actresses, a fellow redhead called Louisa Carver. ("Though Maria Townsend's performance was what eventually made the film redeemable, the budding talent of Louisa Kate Carver should not be overlooked. Carver's acting, while not completely refined, is full of a certain youthful energy and integrity unknown to most independent films...) Jack's smittiness was eventually reciprocated, and Louisa Kate Carver turned up pregnant.
Here are the reactions of the family.
Dave and Antonia: LSDJHGKLKAVJBN!!!!!! WAHT?
Nikolai: *amused*
Maria: Gross. Oh my god. Gross.
Gabe: Really? ... ... Really, John?
(Jack has never had a girlfriend or been particularly attractive to girls. Like ever, at all.)
Louisa's highly conservative parents had long ago given up on reforming her wild ways to concentrate on their other eight children, and when the headline "'BTBI' Actress Pregnant" appeared under her picture in a corner of a tabloid cover, they wired her a telegram informing her that they would continue to have nothing to do with her or her baby, in case she was wondering. Dave and Antonia, after they stopped saying "WHAT?", said they would be much more accepting than the Carvers were of Louisa's situation. But Louisa insisted upon independence and continued to live her own life with the cast of vagabond filmmakers. She returned to Cambridge to be near the Townsends when she was nearly due, and Scarlett Mary Adelaide Townsend was born healthily and in the presence of her father ("WAHT??"). Louisa tended to raise the baby Scarlett herself, although she visited Jack fairly frequently, until one day she died in a car wreck that put Scarlett in the custody of the Townsends when she was almost a year old. The Townsends were all made very unhappy, as they had grown to admire Louisa ardently, and they all contributed to the well-being of the baby.
Brief interim to record artistic productions:
Dave and Nikolai have released three more films: one about the evolution of the place of youth in American society, one about the current president Alfred Richmond's scandalous lawbreaking in regards to the environment, and one about the assassination of same president's wife Melanie. This last one, of course, cast the blame towards Richmond himself, hinting towards all sorts of scandalous implications. Ben Mount too has released a few books regarding the shadiness of President Richmond, and has become a wildly influential figure. One of these books detailed Richmond's in some very shady business related to the CIA and to genocide in the unfortunate and long-oppressed country of Yegubia (near Baguada, slightly more western).
...And darling Ignacio, who is really taken with the piano, has won a prestigious composition contest, is being called "the next Lizst" by persons of high acclaim, and is having his first piano concerto debuted by Lang Lang and the Cleveland Orchestra! Yay Iggy! *clap clap*
Gabe is the only child who isn't making national waves. He's quite happy that way, though. He is highly amused at the attention paid to his siblings. As I may have stated before, Gabe is quite possibly the sharpest mind of the bunch. He still spends a lot of time reading, taking long nature-walks, and writing (pages and pages of) poetry, but his socialization skills are far from inadequate. People tend to gravitate towards him because he is intelligent, happy, and kind, but he doesn't make himself entirely public. He is more or less the exact opposite of his sister in every way, though they get along extremely well and Maria adores him. He also has a charming girlfriend called Rowena, the daughter of a linguistics professor at Cambridge.
Well. Maria briefly obtained a celebrity boyfriend called Bobby Savage, lead singer of a poppy little indie band called the Dukes of Marlborough. She recorded a few tracks with them and then became completely bored with the band and with Bobby. Nevertheless, she came out of her relationship pregnant. O! The headlines. And O! When she found out they were triplets! The Dukes of Marlborough got some serious publicity (their album Scene of an Accident was Apple's 30th most downloaded album during the month of its release!) , and Maria got seriously irritated by interviews. ("No, I don't like them, they're dull and not particularly original...No, I don't hate him! We get along fine! ...No, we're not getting married! And I'm no longer with him, and it wasn't serious in the first place. Urrrgh, could you go away now?") Maria is very excited about motherhood. When she found out she was having male triplets, she sat down and wrote out all of their names on the first day: Anthony David, Charles Francis, and Nicholas Robert -- all honoring her family + Nikolai + Bobby. But when she ran these names past John/Jack, he rolled his eyes. "Honestly, Maria," he sighed, "you're a celebrity and you're not going to be daring?" So she did some exploring on BtN and came up with three ultra-wonderful combinations for her kiddos (see above).
And now, the really significant event:
President Richmond was not amused at the negative publicity coming at him from the Townsends. It wasn't very difficult for him to find out Ben Mount's true identity, and he decided to quietly have the entire family deported. When Antonia went in to renew her Green card (dude I have no freaking idea how this stuff works), she was denied based on a criminal charge levied against her four years ago--possession of marijuana. "But I haven't been charged with possession of marijuana," she said, furrowing her eyebrows. "There must be a mistake." The officer behind the counter (NO IDEA) agreed that the matter would be looked into, and a few days later Antonia was arrested in connection with the murder of Melanie Richmond. Ben Mount's identity was subsequently revealed with Antonia's mug shot plastered on the cover of every political journal in the country. The charges, of course, were absurd and promptly dropped, but not without permanently damaging Ben Mount's mystique, or giving Richmond's CIA an excuse to blame an assassination attempt on an ill-informed Melanie fan. A lone gunman shot twice at Antonia while she was taking a merry stroll with Gabe. Both shots missed, but were enough to spook Dave into shouting a lot, selling the house, making a big fuss on television and boarding the next plane to England to be with his family.
Frank was amused and a bit overwhelmed when the family showed up his doorstep with all of their suitcases. The family (Dave, Antonia, Nikolai, Maria, Gabe, John, Iggy, Scarlett, and soon ZB, Indy, and George) was simply too large to fit in his one-person house, so he pointed to a group of apartments across the street and left them directions to Martin's house. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" Frank remarked mildly. "I read about you all in the papers. Quite a business with the assassination attempts, eh? It's a wonder people are so attached to Melanie after all this time."
"Attached to Melanie, nothing," Dave growled. "It was the CIA and you can be damn sure we'll be documentising about that."




Bobby and Maria:

Gabe: (from a few years ago at a homeschooled homecoming dance, with friends Nat and Casey, on the left, looking awkward)



ANDANDAND: Antonia looks more or less like this, except older and more clothes/less makeup+ridiculous.

Surname: Townsend
DH: Keegan Miller David "Dave" (46) [documentarian]
DW: Antonia Sabina Maddalena (47) [exciting political journalist]
DD: Maria Claudia Angelina (20) [Stage/film actress]
-Dbf: Robert Michael "Bobby" Savage (24) [Rocker]
--DS/DS/DS: Zephaniah Bambang "ZB" / Independence Calhoun "Indy" / George Prokhor (nb) [Father: Bobby Savage]
DS: Gabriel Francis "Gabe" (17, twin to John) [Senior (homeschool)]
DS: John Maximilian (17, twin to Gabe) [Senior/apprentice to Dave]
-Dgf: Louisa Kate Carver (19) [Acting]
--DD: Scarlett Mary Adelaide (1) [Mother: Louisa Carver]
AS: Carlo Ignazio Salvatore Mantovani “Iggy” (14)
Note: I changed Gabe's son to a daughter, because I've only named one daughter this whole congrats :P
Also note: I totally did not use namebanks for Maria's triplitos. If you want me to use them, I will go back and edit.
Also note: I changed the surname again! I'm sorry! Steiner did not sit comfortably with me. It is now Townsend.
Also also note: I changed John's gf Louisa's age to 19, and also she died. I'm not sure how to notate that.
Random Event: Your family moves to a different continent. (Again.) Where? And why in the world did you move again?
Number 1-15: 11
Should there be any more “free” rounds?: Well, I like some structure, myself, but I understand that congrats games are a pain to maintain, so...
Two Male Names To Add: Benedict and Harold
Two Female Names To Add: Maria and Penelope
These five years have been quite incredible. I suppose we should go chronilogically?
Maria received so much public encouragement for her acting (much due to her father's prominence in the media) that she dropped out of high school in her junior year to act full time. She was in constant demand for theater acting, but began to feel that people were only hiring her because of her father and not because of her stellar skillz. So did many other fresh acting faces, living off of pennies and scrounging for jobs. They muttered often about her to each other and a bit in the papers, calling her a score of very nasty names implying that she was just another rich girl without talent. Maria began to get more and more infuriated by this until one day, in the middle of a season, she was approached by a small group of ragamuffin kids with cameras and asked if she'd like to be in their independent film. Maria agreed without a second thought, dropped her job with the theater company, and brought the vagabond filmmakers to her father for funding. Dave was impressed by their spirit and creativity and readily gave them funding and tips, as long as John, who had begun to study under him officially as an "apprentice filmmaker," had a significant hand in the production of the film.
John was the primary editor. The film, Beginning To Believe It, was a pretty good little indie-do, although the characters were a bit contrived, and it ended up winning Sundance! Woohoo! This more or less handed Maria widespread fame and admiration among the anti-establishment youth culture, which was augmented when she laughed in the face of a Hollywood producer who wanted her in a big-budget overproduced Hollywood establishment deal. Her character (Lia McCoy "McCoy") was a strong-willed, playful, sarcastic, beautiful, young, independent woman, and the anti-establishment youth were absolutely mad about her. While the more educated film-watching population looked a bit askanse at the corny character she played, even the most sour admitted that her acting was "quite decent," in the words of the most negative review. But she won over their hearts eventually too: when she was asked in a press conference how strongly she felt her own personality was similar to McCoy's, she laughed and responded, "McCoy is a blind little girl. She's a seeker, but she's completely blind. People that look up to me because they equate me with McCoy aren't looking in the right place." (This remark puzzled the youth crowd, but also intrigued them quite a great deal. Incidentally, McCoy first charted for baby girls the year after Beginning To Believe It was released.)
John was credited under a pseudonym so as not to draw attention to the fact that two Townsend members were involved (and therefore bring to mind the whole "connections" mess), but he was incredibly thrilled to be working on his own and see his work received so well. His pseudonym was Jack Newton, and he has begun to introduce himself as Jack.
Beginning To Believe It was thrilling for John/Jack for more reasons than editing-related ones. The main reason is that he became thoroughly smitten with one of the actresses, a fellow redhead called Louisa Carver. ("Though Maria Townsend's performance was what eventually made the film redeemable, the budding talent of Louisa Kate Carver should not be overlooked. Carver's acting, while not completely refined, is full of a certain youthful energy and integrity unknown to most independent films...) Jack's smittiness was eventually reciprocated, and Louisa Kate Carver turned up pregnant.
Here are the reactions of the family.
Dave and Antonia: LSDJHGKLKAVJBN!!!!!! WAHT?
Nikolai: *amused*
Maria: Gross. Oh my god. Gross.
Gabe: Really? ... ... Really, John?
(Jack has never had a girlfriend or been particularly attractive to girls. Like ever, at all.)
Louisa's highly conservative parents had long ago given up on reforming her wild ways to concentrate on their other eight children, and when the headline "'BTBI' Actress Pregnant" appeared under her picture in a corner of a tabloid cover, they wired her a telegram informing her that they would continue to have nothing to do with her or her baby, in case she was wondering. Dave and Antonia, after they stopped saying "WHAT?", said they would be much more accepting than the Carvers were of Louisa's situation. But Louisa insisted upon independence and continued to live her own life with the cast of vagabond filmmakers. She returned to Cambridge to be near the Townsends when she was nearly due, and Scarlett Mary Adelaide Townsend was born healthily and in the presence of her father ("WAHT??"). Louisa tended to raise the baby Scarlett herself, although she visited Jack fairly frequently, until one day she died in a car wreck that put Scarlett in the custody of the Townsends when she was almost a year old. The Townsends were all made very unhappy, as they had grown to admire Louisa ardently, and they all contributed to the well-being of the baby.
Brief interim to record artistic productions:
Dave and Nikolai have released three more films: one about the evolution of the place of youth in American society, one about the current president Alfred Richmond's scandalous lawbreaking in regards to the environment, and one about the assassination of same president's wife Melanie. This last one, of course, cast the blame towards Richmond himself, hinting towards all sorts of scandalous implications. Ben Mount too has released a few books regarding the shadiness of President Richmond, and has become a wildly influential figure. One of these books detailed Richmond's in some very shady business related to the CIA and to genocide in the unfortunate and long-oppressed country of Yegubia (near Baguada, slightly more western).
...And darling Ignacio, who is really taken with the piano, has won a prestigious composition contest, is being called "the next Lizst" by persons of high acclaim, and is having his first piano concerto debuted by Lang Lang and the Cleveland Orchestra! Yay Iggy! *clap clap*
Gabe is the only child who isn't making national waves. He's quite happy that way, though. He is highly amused at the attention paid to his siblings. As I may have stated before, Gabe is quite possibly the sharpest mind of the bunch. He still spends a lot of time reading, taking long nature-walks, and writing (pages and pages of) poetry, but his socialization skills are far from inadequate. People tend to gravitate towards him because he is intelligent, happy, and kind, but he doesn't make himself entirely public. He is more or less the exact opposite of his sister in every way, though they get along extremely well and Maria adores him. He also has a charming girlfriend called Rowena, the daughter of a linguistics professor at Cambridge.
Well. Maria briefly obtained a celebrity boyfriend called Bobby Savage, lead singer of a poppy little indie band called the Dukes of Marlborough. She recorded a few tracks with them and then became completely bored with the band and with Bobby. Nevertheless, she came out of her relationship pregnant. O! The headlines. And O! When she found out they were triplets! The Dukes of Marlborough got some serious publicity (their album Scene of an Accident was Apple's 30th most downloaded album during the month of its release!) , and Maria got seriously irritated by interviews. ("No, I don't like them, they're dull and not particularly original...No, I don't hate him! We get along fine! ...No, we're not getting married! And I'm no longer with him, and it wasn't serious in the first place. Urrrgh, could you go away now?") Maria is very excited about motherhood. When she found out she was having male triplets, she sat down and wrote out all of their names on the first day: Anthony David, Charles Francis, and Nicholas Robert -- all honoring her family + Nikolai + Bobby. But when she ran these names past John/Jack, he rolled his eyes. "Honestly, Maria," he sighed, "you're a celebrity and you're not going to be daring?" So she did some exploring on BtN and came up with three ultra-wonderful combinations for her kiddos (see above).
And now, the really significant event:
President Richmond was not amused at the negative publicity coming at him from the Townsends. It wasn't very difficult for him to find out Ben Mount's true identity, and he decided to quietly have the entire family deported. When Antonia went in to renew her Green card (dude I have no freaking idea how this stuff works), she was denied based on a criminal charge levied against her four years ago--possession of marijuana. "But I haven't been charged with possession of marijuana," she said, furrowing her eyebrows. "There must be a mistake." The officer behind the counter (NO IDEA) agreed that the matter would be looked into, and a few days later Antonia was arrested in connection with the murder of Melanie Richmond. Ben Mount's identity was subsequently revealed with Antonia's mug shot plastered on the cover of every political journal in the country. The charges, of course, were absurd and promptly dropped, but not without permanently damaging Ben Mount's mystique, or giving Richmond's CIA an excuse to blame an assassination attempt on an ill-informed Melanie fan. A lone gunman shot twice at Antonia while she was taking a merry stroll with Gabe. Both shots missed, but were enough to spook Dave into shouting a lot, selling the house, making a big fuss on television and boarding the next plane to England to be with his family.
Frank was amused and a bit overwhelmed when the family showed up his doorstep with all of their suitcases. The family (Dave, Antonia, Nikolai, Maria, Gabe, John, Iggy, Scarlett, and soon ZB, Indy, and George) was simply too large to fit in his one-person house, so he pointed to a group of apartments across the street and left them directions to Martin's house. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" Frank remarked mildly. "I read about you all in the papers. Quite a business with the assassination attempts, eh? It's a wonder people are so attached to Melanie after all this time."
"Attached to Melanie, nothing," Dave growled. "It was the CIA and you can be damn sure we'll be documentising about that."
Bobby and Maria:
Gabe: (from a few years ago at a homeschooled homecoming dance, with friends Nat and Casey, on the left, looking awkward)
ANDANDAND: Antonia looks more or less like this, except older and more clothes/less makeup+ridiculous.