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Re: Georgia's Congrats sign ups- edit again
Username: Hola123
LN: Roscoe
DH: River Jackson (22)
DW: Harper Claire (20)Tallulah and Delilah
Michael and NolanHarper and River met when River was eight and Harper was just six years old. Harper's parents were good friends with the Roscoe's so River and Harper spent a lot of time with eachother. Harper had secretly liked River ever since she was about twelve years old but it wasn't until she was seventeen when she realized River liked her as well and they started dating. They felt like they were soul mates but waited three years before getting married just to make sure :) Now they couldn't be happier being married to eachother and can't wait to start a family.River currently illustrates pictures for his sister Gentry's children's books and Harper is in university hoping to become an elementary school teacher. They are living in Regina, Saskatchewan.

This message was edited 1/6/2008, 3:58 PM

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