Last name: Wing
Paige Adelina, 39
Jacob Nicholas, 39
Avalon Celestine; 12; was physically and emotionally abused from a very young age by her biological parents, and is very shy and depressed because of it.
Location: quiet village in the south of
France (we moved here from the US two years ago)
Pets: none
Languages spoken: French, English
Language preference, if any: At least a little bit of French or English
Religious preference, if any: none
Country/ies: any
Number of children (max 4): 4
Gender(s): both
Age(s) (0-12): 4-12
Twins? no
Triplets? no
Quads? no
Siblings? sure
For all disabilities, please indicate mild, moderate or severe.
Emotional disabilities? any
Social disabilities? any
Mental disabilities? any
Physical disabilities? any
Chronic illnesses? any