Re: Darkest Congrats Round Four
in reply to a message by Darkest
Wow, I didn't realize I had written that much. LOL
As part of the free-round philosophy, can I change the surname to Steiner? I just realized how stupid Maria Malley sounds.
Posting Name: Octavia (4)(x)
Surname: Steiner
DH: Keegan Miller David "Dave" (41) (documentarian)
DW: Antonia Sabina Maddalena (42) (exciting political journalist)
DD: Maria Claudia Angelina (15)
DS/DS: Gabriel Francis "Gabe" / John Maximilian (12)
AS: Carlo Ignazio Salvatore Mantovani (9) "Iggy"
Well, let's see. Cambridge, it turns out, treated everyone well. The documentary was a startling success. The general public interpreted it as a profound criticism of the American collegiate system - its vast expense, dubious benefits, and growing necessity in the professional world. And, well, it was. "But we like Harvard," Dave was quick to point out in an interview following the release of the film. "Yes," Nikolai added, "it's quite pretty."
Nikolai is very skinny, with dark hair and thin, intense facial features. He looks somewhat like
, without all the weirdness. "Nikolai bears no ill will towards anyone, which makes him a great objective voice," Dave said in the same interview. He's withdrawn and courteous and very reasonable, and has never had a romantic relationship, nor does he show any interest in ever having one.
Antonia has published two books in the meantime: one a compilation of some of her earlier articles, the second some really deep political commentary. Both of them were hugely successful, bringing Antonia's pseudonym Ben Mount to the tongues of the vaguely politically aware masses. The fact that both she and Dave have become well-known on the American political ... spectrum? without anyone knowing they're married has tickled both of them quite a lot, and made it especially important for Antonia's identity to remain secret, as Steiner and Shapiro have made it clear they're Ben Mount fans, and vice versa. Meanwhile, rumors about Ben Mount's true identity run rampant!
As the kids have grown older, the family eventually decided to stay in Cambridge. Their success has enabled them to actually purchase property there, and their kids have had a lot of community involvement. Maria has especially been adamant about not moving again. After becoming involved in a local youth theater group, she requested to be enrolled in high school. This year she's in ninth grade and has become part of an incredibly tight-knit clique of "theater kids." She says school is "easy and fun," and her teachers are quite impressed by her. High school gives her a feeling of confidence and independence away from the rather confined space of her family. Maria's become extremely independent: when she was twelve she flew alone to Italy and back, taking a week's vacation to be with her mother's family and her old friends. She's gone there alone several times since, and recently took her best friend Cat (Cathleen) with her. She's a remarkably talented actress and singer, as well as being the daughter of a well-known filmmaker, which has garnered her flurries of local attention.
Filming has kept Dave and Nikolai on the road quite frequently, as they no longer move around. They went to Florida for a month to make a film about Scientology, travelled around the country for three months to document the Evangelical culture, the Southwest for another month to sort out the immigration crisis, even to China and a few other countries without minimum wage laws to document the conditions of American-owned sweatshops. They're at home maybe two-thirds of the time. More and more frequently, John goes with them; he's taken a real interest in film and enjoys hamming it up for the camera. (None of the boys are enrolled in public schools.) Iggy goes sometimes as well. (Neither of them went to China either.) Antonia understands the necessity of their frequent absences, but isn't pleased with it. Nevertheless, she has a fairly easy time taking care of Iggy and Gabe, both of whom are remarkably low-maintenence for boys their age. Iggy began piano lessons almost as soon as they moved to Cambridge and he's coming along quite swimmingly with them, and Gabe is an avid reader and crawler of trees. Cambridge turned out to be a great environment for home-schooling, with loads of parks and cultural things and such. John is quite a bit more difficult to take care of without Dave and Kolya. He's louder and siller and knocks things over, and he makes Gabe sillier also. He's got a large group of equally boisterous friends, and they like to go around the neighborhood and irritate their parents. Nothing more illegal than prank calls though, so far. They also like to make little movies among themselves. John's access to his dad's filming and editing equipment have helped to make him hugely popular.
Phew. Let's see.
Maria and current boyfriend Scott
As part of the free-round philosophy, can I change the surname to Steiner? I just realized how stupid Maria Malley sounds.
Posting Name: Octavia (4)(x)
Surname: Steiner
DH: Keegan Miller David "Dave" (41) (documentarian)
DW: Antonia Sabina Maddalena (42) (exciting political journalist)
DD: Maria Claudia Angelina (15)
DS/DS: Gabriel Francis "Gabe" / John Maximilian (12)
AS: Carlo Ignazio Salvatore Mantovani (9) "Iggy"
Well, let's see. Cambridge, it turns out, treated everyone well. The documentary was a startling success. The general public interpreted it as a profound criticism of the American collegiate system - its vast expense, dubious benefits, and growing necessity in the professional world. And, well, it was. "But we like Harvard," Dave was quick to point out in an interview following the release of the film. "Yes," Nikolai added, "it's quite pretty."
Nikolai is very skinny, with dark hair and thin, intense facial features. He looks somewhat like
Antonia has published two books in the meantime: one a compilation of some of her earlier articles, the second some really deep political commentary. Both of them were hugely successful, bringing Antonia's pseudonym Ben Mount to the tongues of the vaguely politically aware masses. The fact that both she and Dave have become well-known on the American political ... spectrum? without anyone knowing they're married has tickled both of them quite a lot, and made it especially important for Antonia's identity to remain secret, as Steiner and Shapiro have made it clear they're Ben Mount fans, and vice versa. Meanwhile, rumors about Ben Mount's true identity run rampant!
As the kids have grown older, the family eventually decided to stay in Cambridge. Their success has enabled them to actually purchase property there, and their kids have had a lot of community involvement. Maria has especially been adamant about not moving again. After becoming involved in a local youth theater group, she requested to be enrolled in high school. This year she's in ninth grade and has become part of an incredibly tight-knit clique of "theater kids." She says school is "easy and fun," and her teachers are quite impressed by her. High school gives her a feeling of confidence and independence away from the rather confined space of her family. Maria's become extremely independent: when she was twelve she flew alone to Italy and back, taking a week's vacation to be with her mother's family and her old friends. She's gone there alone several times since, and recently took her best friend Cat (Cathleen) with her. She's a remarkably talented actress and singer, as well as being the daughter of a well-known filmmaker, which has garnered her flurries of local attention.
Filming has kept Dave and Nikolai on the road quite frequently, as they no longer move around. They went to Florida for a month to make a film about Scientology, travelled around the country for three months to document the Evangelical culture, the Southwest for another month to sort out the immigration crisis, even to China and a few other countries without minimum wage laws to document the conditions of American-owned sweatshops. They're at home maybe two-thirds of the time. More and more frequently, John goes with them; he's taken a real interest in film and enjoys hamming it up for the camera. (None of the boys are enrolled in public schools.) Iggy goes sometimes as well. (Neither of them went to China either.) Antonia understands the necessity of their frequent absences, but isn't pleased with it. Nevertheless, she has a fairly easy time taking care of Iggy and Gabe, both of whom are remarkably low-maintenence for boys their age. Iggy began piano lessons almost as soon as they moved to Cambridge and he's coming along quite swimmingly with them, and Gabe is an avid reader and crawler of trees. Cambridge turned out to be a great environment for home-schooling, with loads of parks and cultural things and such. John is quite a bit more difficult to take care of without Dave and Kolya. He's louder and siller and knocks things over, and he makes Gabe sillier also. He's got a large group of equally boisterous friends, and they like to go around the neighborhood and irritate their parents. Nothing more illegal than prank calls though, so far. They also like to make little movies among themselves. John's access to his dad's filming and editing equipment have helped to make him hugely popular.
Phew. Let's see.
This message was edited 12/30/2007, 7:42 PM