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Re: Tai Angel's Writing Congrats Round 4.

Username: Serel Channah
Lastname: Konn
DH: Desmond Vaughn "Dess"
DW: Evelyn Nola "Eve"
AD: Naomi Sora Kimiko (Japan) (24)
--DH: Noah Adam
---DS: Anthony Benjamin

DD: Marie Magnolia (18)
DD: Matilda Lucy (15)
---DD: Scarlett Eva
DS/DS/DS: Maxwell Sparrow / Sidney Otis / Forrest Roderick (10)Random Event: Your teenager is pregnant. What do you do? You can decide if the father sticks around or not. If he does, add him.
Random event number: 8I came home from work one day to find Matilda crying on the floor in the bathroom. The door was locked, so I knocked on the door. All she said was "Go away" so I said "Tilly, Honey, what's wrong?", which only made her cry even more. I asked her if she was hurt, because it wouldn't have been the first time she slipped in the shower and broke her leg. She didn't say anything, so I said "Matilda, I'm coming in, ok?". She still didn't respond, or if she did, it was covered with sobbing. I found the key to all the doors in the house and opened the door. Matilda, who was sitting on the floor, against the wall, looked up at me and immediatly looked down and started crying again. As I sat down on the floor with her, I noticed an object in her hand. I asked her what it was and she gave it to me- a pregnancy test-- positive. I told her that it's ok, that everything's ok. Around a week later, I decided it was the time to ask her who the father is. She looked at me, when I asked, and said "My boyfriend, duh". I asked her if she told him and Matilda nodded. I replied with "And...". She started crying and said "He... he... broke up with me". But anyway, 9 months later, Scarlett was born.Around 2 years ago, Naomi fell in love with a lovely man named Noah. They got married a year later and just had a little boy named Anthony.
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