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Re: Mar's Soap Opera Congrats Game (round 8)
in reply to a message by Mar
~Keepskuh’s family~LN: Browers
DH: Ezra Conway Rohan (45)
DW: Isobel Verona (40)
DS: Fin Christian (21)
--GF: Nova Valentina Lombardi (21)
--DS: Ben Adrian Browers (4)
--DS: Dale Christian "Daley" Browers (nb)
DS: Xander Richard (19)
DD: Lucy River Ophelia (16)
--BF: William Henry Orville (22)
--DS: Kyle Ryan Orville (nb)
DD: Nora Scarlett Caroline (11)
DD: Isabel Marin Amelia (7)Duck: SwanlyWhen Derry (Xander) told us he was coming out. We we're just glad he finally told us. We don't mind he likes guys, we only want him to be happy. Ofcourse some family members (like grandpa and grandma) thought it was not 'as it should be'.For next round:
Child number: 7
Random event: 15
List 3 GPs for each sex:
Boys: Omri, Poe, Billy
Girls: Daley, Mai, Ellis
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