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Re: Congrats, Round Five
in reply to a message by Amy
Jennifer Nicole “Jen” and David Spencer
DS: Spencer Thomas
DD: Eva Antoinette
DS/DS/DD: William Bryant “Liam” / Dylan Josiah / Alexandra Haven
DS: Grant Jonathan
DS/DD: Kyle Travis / Lily NicoleCat: Coco
Spencer, Eva, William, Dylan, Alexandra, and Grant are happy to announce the arrival of their little brother and sister! Our healthy set of twins came into our lives on November 30th. Kyle Travis was born first at 3:48 PM, weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces; 19 1/4 inches long. He was joined by his sister, Lily Nicole, at 4:04 PM, weighing 6 pounds, 4 ounces; 19 inches long. Kyle is such a daddy's boy; he loves to be held by David. Lily has a wonderful personality; she's such a happy baby girl, although she is definitely a mommy's girl. Both Kyle and Lily are absolutely gorgeous children, and we are thrilled to have them at home with us! Spencer is now nine years old. He is such an athletic little boy, but his favorite sport is baseball. He loves playing on his Little League team and is pitcher this year!Eva is eight years old and is such a little actress. She has always been quite the performer and continues to love acting and singing. There is no doubt that she loves being in the spotlight!The triplets, William, Dylan, and Alexandra, are now six years old. Liam loves cars and trucks, especially police cars and wants to be a police officer when he grows up. Dylan is quite the artist and loves to draw. Alexandra loves gymnastics and enjoys going to her gymnastics and tumbling lessons.Grant is two years old and is such a happy little boy! He is a talkative toddler who loves to climb and run around. He is very much an active little boy who loves to make people laugh; guaranteed he can put a smile on your face!And there you have our family. David and I know that we are blessed to have seven beautiful and healthy children. We are delighted to have the privilege of raising them.

*~*Jennifer Nicole*~*
Ariella Michelle Rene, Janna Cristina Rose, Zoe Melina Laine
Conner Luis, Grant William, Jude Hamilton

This message was edited 9/4/2005, 11:55 PM

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