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Re: You say, you think
in reply to a message by Mar
This is my son: Thorsten, but we usually call him Thor
You say: Wow how...nice!
You think:How ugly can you get people? why do you have to name your child something like that??? (LOL)This is my daughter: Eira Winter
You say: Beautiful!
You think: That's a lovely name, and it's cool cuz Eira means "snow" How adorable!This is my son: Sargon Andreas
You say: Hey Sargon!
You think:sounds like a dragon's name. kinda cool...These are my twin daughters: Noa and Junia
You say: Hey girls? Which one is the oldest???
You think: Weird names for twins...should have named them: Nichole and Juliet!These are my twin sons: Lincoln and Solomon, "Link" and "Sol"
You say: Hey Link! You remind me of the character off "Hairspray!"
You think: Like the nicknames, but don't like the full names a all; too old fashioned.
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